A Woman’s
Living Life
One Sip, Trip & Adventure
At a time

Passport to Living

Just a woman finding herself one sip, one bite and
adventure at a time.

Passport to Living

Just a woman finding herself one sip, one bite and adventure at a time.





I’m Sharla. A 42-year-old caucasian, with dark-haired, and blue eyes. I’m a cis female, a sister, wife, mother, and grandmother. I’ve been married 3 times, given birth twice, I co-parent 3 bonus kids, and one grandbaby. Our Family … We have American, African American,...

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Forbidden Soup Goes Viral

Forbidden Soup Goes Viral

Never in a Million Years... Just when quarantine hit, I may or may not have joined TikTok, in an effort to better understand the app from a business perspective. Little did I know what an impact this app would have on my personal and business life; and my family would...

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Stuff that Mush

Stuff that Mush

Salmon Stuffed Portobello MushroomsThis meal looks oobber fancy, smells amazing and may just wow your man (or dinner guest)...but it's honestly super simple.These Salmon Stuffed Mushrooms are basically a "dump" meal.You dump most the ingredients, then stuff that...

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Bite me Hannah Hart

Bite me Hannah Hart

YouTube sensationalist, Hannah Hart came on the scene years ago. I couldn’t seem to get enough of her videos, that were basically her getting drunk in the kitchen while doing something that occasionally resembled cooking, kinda. I adored her personality and even...

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Lord of the Mountain

Lord of the Mountain

2007... My world as I know it shifted yet again. Facing my second divorce at age 31. Now with two children, from two marriages. It was hard to keep my shit together...as you can probably imagine. I was the only income producing adult in the house, in debt...

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About Me

sharla I'mjust a woman finding herself one sip, one bite and adventure at a time. Join me on the adventures of one eclectic mamma, music lovin', wanna be chef, urban jungle woman, yogini. Travelling, travelling through the world and deep within myself, to find the greatest pearls in exsistence. It's going to be a wild ride, glad you are with me!

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