A Planking Good Time

by | Oct 3, 2017 | US Travel

Quintessential Tourist Spot

No trip to Los Angeles would be complete without visiting the Hollywood Sign.

So obviously in my summer in Cali, I just had to go to see what the hub bub was about, with Leyna leading the way.

I mean, it’s a sign, but a rather famous one that was fun to see and photograph but beyond that I was itching to see more of the area…

But just for shits, I did throw in a plank or two, just to say I did.

Barbie had it Right

Just a short drive from the Hollywood sign, on to our next spot.

I may have been that wacko child that wasn’t keen on Malibu Barbie, or any Barbie for that matter…but Barbie did get something right.

Malibu is the SHIT.

There may have been no plastic Barbie there, but beautiful people YES indeed.

Every person who walked these beaches was beautiful to me…the energy was just incredible.

Although this wasn’t a beach day for us, we did get to play a bit on the beach, fully clothed as you can see.

Where’s the Vodka???

We ate waterfront to the stunning beaches of Malibu.

With each delicious bite we took, the waves ebbed, flowed and crashed just feet from the restaurant onto the windows.

Before leaving this beautiful spot, we hit up a fun version of Malibu’s farmer’s market.

I must say the one booth that caught my attention was the dry ice drink stand.

Yeah, that’s right, dry ice drinks…

They have to wear gloves to make the drink, yet it’s safe for us to drink?!?!

I didn’t venture to try it, for fear my insides may cease up on me…so settled for a cold mango smoothie instead.

Malibu was full of funny surprises, one especially I recall is the RATTLE SNAKE VACCINE sign, advertised by a local Animal Vet…..Rattle Snake pets, what the hell????

I also had fun when my super cheap sun glasses finally crapped out on me…I pimped them anyways.  At least one eye was shaded from the bright sunny day!

I really didn’t want to leave Malibu, there was so much to do, so much to see that we couldn’t get to…but, at least even if for a few hours I got to what I did.


What’s the prettiest American Beach you’ve been to?!?! (comment below)

What place have you been silly like me and threw in a random plank?

Or maybe you’ve never planked…


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sharla I'mjust a woman finding herself one sip, one bite and adventure at a time. Join me on the adventures of one eclectic mamma, music lovin', wanna be chef, urban jungle woman, yogini. Travelling, travelling through the world and deep within myself, to find the greatest pearls in exsistence. It's going to be a wild ride, glad you are with me!

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