
Stuff that Mush

Stuff that Mush

Salmon Stuffed Portobello MushroomsThis meal looks oobber fancy, smells amazing and may just wow your man (or dinner guest)...but it's honestly super simple.These Salmon Stuffed Mushrooms are basically a "dump" meal.You dump most the ingredients, then stuff that...

Caught the Man I’ve been Stalking #Winning

Caught the Man I’ve been Stalking #Winning

Spoiled, Eat It Being from Charleston, as a HUGE foodie, I'm spoiled to say the least. I adore being in a very snooty culinary haven just as much as a greasy hole in the wall dive eatery, and anything in between. In the Lowcounty there has NEVER been a shortage of...

Failing Forward

Failing Forward

My unpublished cookbook is now finding it’s way into your kitchen…no trees were killed in sharing these recipes.

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Stuff that Mush

Stuff that Mush

Salmon Stuffed Portobello MushroomsThis meal looks oobber fancy, smells amazing and may just wow your man (or dinner guest)...but it's honestly super simple.These Salmon Stuffed Mushrooms are basically a "dump" meal.You dump most the ingredients, then stuff that...

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About Me

sharla I'mjust a woman finding herself one sip, one bite and adventure at a time. Join me on the adventures of one eclectic mamma, music lovin', wanna be chef, urban jungle woman, yogini. Travelling, travelling through the world and deep within myself, to find the greatest pearls in exsistence. It's going to be a wild ride, glad you are with me!

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