Caught the Man I’ve been Stalking #Winning

by | Jan 4, 2018 | Recipes

Spoiled, Eat It

Being from Charleston, as a HUGE foodie, I’m spoiled to say the least.

I adore being in a very snooty culinary haven just as much as a greasy hole in the wall dive eatery, and anything in between.

In the Lowcounty there has NEVER been a shortage of taste bud titillating eats, and I do feel spoiled living in such a mecca for a foodie like myself.

However, there is one chef and one chef only that I must admit I’ve stalked for what seems like a lifetime.

Chef Brett McKee.

He’s………well, THE BEST.

I’ve dined in his personal restaurant and at several he’s consulted for.

His plating is precise and gets my mouth watering before the smells even reach my nose.

His creations are complex tasting yet simple and just stunning.

For years I’ve dreamed of having a private dinner prepared by his more than talented hands…and my dreams were finally going to come to reality…but before I spill the beans, lets get down and dirty.

The Bald & Bald, No Beast.

Several years after I’d been stalking Chef Brett, I was actually honored by my guru.

In 2012, Chef Brett asked ME to be a guest chef at a Vegan Dinner!?!?!?

We were joined by Chef Mickey Brennan, another fantastic chef in the vegan space and owner of The Sprout in Mt. Pleasant.

These are two trained chefs and I, a novice at best…

Oh, and I was bald at the time.

Check Out: “How lice lead me to porn (and being BALD)!

Excited, scared and very intimidated, I knew I had to bring my “A” game.

I pulled out of my hat, a delicious raw vegan lasagna, sure to impress and make the patrons taste buds do a dance.

I pulled it off.

Nothing could have been more exciting and I was honored beyond honored to say the least.  To work with Chef Brett was this “little girl’s” dream come true.

Dreams over Nightmares

So here we are, back in the present time 2017…

“How are you doing?” people ask me.

The positive, “personally developed” Sharla, wants to answer “everything is great.”

But the past few months, truth be told, my insides felt anything but great.

Truthfully, I know life was really great overall, but the grind of life was getting to me.

My days and nights seemed to blend together, not getting much sleep, bills flying at me hard, my man was facing some serious health challenges and I was just BEAT DOWN, feeling like I just needed a break.

I wanted a vacation, but there was no time for that.

Responsibilities of work and children surrounded me, but I knew I had to do something to even for a moment feel like I wasn’t in a rate race of a nightmare that would never end.

So I reached out to Chef Brett to see what it would take to have him prepare a private dinner for Michael and I.

Not only did he say yes, the night of surprises for Michael (and I) were about to get that much sweeter.

Magical, If You Can Find it

As an out of the box Chef, Brett doesn’t do things in a traditional way, in fact anything but.

If you want to enjoy his tasty meals, you must find this spot at 139B Market Street.  It has no sign, the door is dirty and true to Lowcountry style, the floor is tattered uneven slate; flanked by very commercial stores that are clearly marked.

This hidden gem of a venue, with such an unassuming door, leads to a magical host of awesomeness.

Enter if you dare to enjoy the hell out of your night…

But you can’t just walk in, it’s reservation only…

Cause that’s how great he is, cause that’s how awesome he is…you have to hunt him down and see if you can sit at his table.

Sunset was upon us and the magic had begun.

Standing next to my idol Chef Brett McKee, waiting for my man to find us, from a clue he got after work…my heart was beating in excitement and anticipation.

Chef had a full staff, a candle lit table on the rooftop and arranged for the incredibly talented photographer, Justin Falk, to capture the night, and it was all for just Michael and I.

This 3 story stunning bit of Historic Charleston architecture, turned into the most incredible dinning and events venue, is nestled among 7 Church steeples, in true “Holy City” Fashion.

The city lights, hustle and bustle of cars, corporate buildings, hotels, and holy steeples draped the night sky with the sweetest sounds and visions, that were the perfect backdrop for the special dream night.

Staycation Revived

We may not have been able to go on a vacation, but our overnight stay cation in the executive sweet at 139B The McKee’s was exactly what the doctor ordered.

After a 5 course meal, that melted in our mouth, surrounded by the charm that is Charleston, on a perfect warmer winter night was PERFECTION to say the least.

I got to spend time with a chef I’ve stalked for years and treasured all the great work he’s done around the world.

I got to share with Michael, the magic of the city and eating at the hands of Chef Brett.

We shared a night we will treasure forever and are more than grateful for an evening that seemed to play out, moment by moment ideally.

We’ve never felt so special, having a staff serving only us, in a relaxed, stunningly gorgeous venue that many don’t even know exists in the streets of Charleston.

Blessed we are, to have one night where we were revived, relaxed and felt like a king and queen.

Chef Brett you knocked this one out of the park and we hope to repeat before we die!


About Me

sharla I'mjust a woman finding herself one sip, one bite and adventure at a time. Join me on the adventures of one eclectic mamma, music lovin', wanna be chef, urban jungle woman, yogini. Travelling, travelling through the world and deep within myself, to find the greatest pearls in exsistence. It's going to be a wild ride, glad you are with me!

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