My Bald Adventure
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would shave my head.
I didn’t need my passport to go on this wild ride…
I have had cervical cancer, but NO, this isn’t why I shaved my head.
NO, I wasn’t supporting any friend or family member who had cancer at the time.
All good guesses tho…
I shaved my head because I had LICE.
Yes, I know there are ways to get rid of lice without shaving my head but that wasn’t my story.
As a single mom, I had fought the battle for 5 months of clearing my daughter, Sky, of lice.
Every day was spent not only being the only one making income to pay the bills, cook every meal, taking care of the normal household duties…my life seemed to be consumed with picking through my daughter’s hair for 1-3 hours, treating every place she sat, drying all clothes, pillows, sheets, jackets, book bags, hats, treating the car just to name a few added activities that sucked the life out of me.
Sky did get clear off and on but because her school wasn’t treating properly, it was a seemingly never ending cycle that wouldn’t let up.
After Sky was clear for a month, I then realized those nasty critters were in my long locks of hair…..ahhhhh!
I wasn’t willing or interested in going through more treatments, so shaving is the route I chose.
From the moment I decided to shave my head, it gave me yet another opportunity to take an internal journey within.
At first, I felt more than empowered.
Quickly following, I felt like my femininity had been stripped from me.
I was ADDICTED to wearing earrings and wouldn’t be caught without them, feeling like the $12 fake diamond earrings from Target somehow made me more girl like.
After my adventures in Costa Rica at Yoga Teacher Training, I went through a massive transformation where I harnessed my internal god given womanhood. I gave my earrings up on the alter and felt whole from the inside out.
Shaving my head was a spiritual journey for me, although that’s not why I did it, I just wanted to get rid of lice.
I like this spiritual exploration so much I continued to shave my head for 3 months.
The journey got even more interesting when I got asked out and went on my first date in 3 years.
And just in case you were wondering, I chose not to date and one week before I shaved my head knew I should just be open to it.
I was in shock however, staring at the rack of Tom’s shoes, the first day being bald, when a local attorney asked me out in the middle of Whole Foods.
Worst date of my life for the record, however…
I loved being bald so much, it was empowering most of the time while also revealing my insecurities. I must admit I found it tantalizing to rub my head in the shower but I also found it miserably cold when any cooler air whisked by.
I found this part in my life to be another amazing adventure in my passport to living and didn’t want it to stop, well I wanted the cold to stop and that’s why I began to grow my hair back out.
HOWEVER, I was shocked that this bald time in my life lead me to porn.
How you may ask?
NO, I didn’t start pole dancing to prove to myself I was feminine even without my full head of hair.
But what I did find out tho is there is an entire part of humanity that actually jerk off to women shaving their head….
Yes, that’s right, there are some who actually get sexually aroused by seeing someone shave their head.
I found this out because when I made the original video of me shaving my head, it went viral.
I thought to myself, AWESOME, maybe my story is empowering people to realize some of the insights that I’ve had in going bald.
I soon realized, thanks to YouTube analytics, you can actually see where traffic comes from and sure enough my video had been reposted in many bald porn/sex sites.
I can’t tell you how violated I felt.
Knowing that a sweet spiritual journey I was having was actually the material that men were turned on. Bluhhh.
I’m still not sure what to say on the subject but to say, it takes all kinds to make up humanity…
I don’t fall in the category of being sexual aroused by such things, but I do hope that the few that watched the video who were listening to the message learned something, were empowered and inspired to live a great life no matter what challenges they are up against.
That video still gets tossed around in that world I’m sure but my hope is that it’s helping people spiritually more than sexually.
Living Bold as a Baldy
Leaving the porn side of being bald behind, leads me to recall the incredible moments of connecting with beautiful souls in my bald journey.
One of my favorite artists of all times happened to be coming into town, Michael Franti.
He and his crew were to play a private concert at the yoga shalla, Jivamukti Yoga (now Satsang Yoga) in Mt. Pleasant.
It was the most intimate concert, learning where the meaning of many of Franti’s songs came from. He’s a true inspiration without a doubt.
Not only did he play for us, but he shared space with all the students on our mats.
We were jamming out to vibrations that moved the entire body and soul, sweating all along the way.
Two of my spiritual sisters joined me at Franti’s public concert at the Music Farm, where the goodness of Franti’s messages continued to move through us.
In short, I adored this passport to living adventure.
I wouldn’t take the journey back and often times consider shaving my head all over again.
Me, Franti, LuLu
Me, LuLu, Kim
Being bald was great.
What a weird wild adventure in my life.
What have you done in your life, that may have seemed extreme, but helped you to live boldly???