Better Than New York

by | Sep 27, 2017 | US Travel


I wasn’t expecting to fall in love with the Windy City like I did.

Staying in a quaint apartment right in the middle of the city, made me feel like I was a local.

Walking and biking all over the city streets and taking the occasional Uber.

Beyond the ever so popular Millennial Park and the famous Bean, was the one thing that captured my full attention each and every day.


I could have eaten myself into a coma morning, noon and night.

From the city street food vendors, to 5 star restaurants, or the high rise sexy W hotel bar, I literally fell in love with this beautiful city.

It was almost painful that I couldn’t eat more than I did, and trust me I at A LOT.  It was hard to choose from so many fantastic eateries.

I don’t normally eat super late, but when in Rome as they say….I even ordered sushi, great sushi and it was delivered right to my apartment at THREE A.M.  I devoured the asian goodness and thought about ordering again, just because I could. (but I didn’t)

I must admit one of my favorite spots in the morning was for sure and Uber ride away, Karyn’s Fresh Corner.  This was vegan heaven on steroids, but also quite pricy as many things are in larger cities.  But what a great way to begin the day, with a nutrient rich, power packed, scrumptious breakfast.

I couldn’t seem to get enough Mediterranean food, the layers of flavors that melted in my mouth I will forever remember.

Even the hole in the wall Mexican joints, ran by Americans, created tacos that were out of this world.

As if walking the streets, eating far too much (but loving every bite), was enough, what really stole my heart was the sunset cruise.  Seeing the city from Lake Michigan, there’s nothing like it.  I even teared up a bit; seeing this booming metropolis in my own country.

Beyond site seeing and eating, I did dive into a local yoga studio.  I can’t say the class was amazing, but the people were beautiful and the space was sacred and felt wonderful.

I remember my trip as a teenager to New York, which was INCREDIBLE.  I LOVED that city as well, but to me, Chicago is better.  Chicago moved a bit slower than NYC, people were much friendlier to me and by far Chicago smelt better!

My time in Chicago may have been brief, but ever lasting memories of such a dynamic city I think of often and can’t wait to go back!


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sharla I'mjust a woman finding herself one sip, one bite and adventure at a time. Join me on the adventures of one eclectic mamma, music lovin', wanna be chef, urban jungle woman, yogini. Travelling, travelling through the world and deep within myself, to find the greatest pearls in exsistence. It's going to be a wild ride, glad you are with me!

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