Cold Pipa’s & Monkeys in the Blue Zone (and so was I)

by | Sep 25, 2017 | Travels Abroad

28 Days in Paradise

For my second Yoga Teacher Training course (300 hours to be exact), I ventured to Costa Rica on the Nicoya Peninsula, in the small beach town of Nosara.

Housing me for almost a month was the eco-friendly oasis, Blue Spirit, nestled in a city known for being a Blue Zone.

This almost month long travel and educational experience, was beyond amazing.

Each morning started with meditation and a one to two hours of actual yoga practice on my mat.

This was probably the closest I came to renouncing my life and living like a monk or nun. (which I considered years ago)

I didn’t have a care in the world, I was surrounded by the beauty of this tropical paradise, focused on studying yoga philosophies and the physical practice of yoga (asana).

Teacher training didn’t allow but a few hours of free time, but in those short stents
that I did adventure out of the resort, the quaint town and citizens of Nosara showed
me that humanity still cares for life, people and nature.

I found myself sitting alone at an open air restaurant bar, ordering a fruity drink of sorts.

I was slightly put off because my bartender seemed to have disappeared and I was parched.

My irritation turned to happiness, when I realized the bartender was literally picking fresh fruit
from the garden out back, muddling them to make the freshest juice possible.

I put my order in for fresh fish, the server boasted was caught that
day from the ocean, that I could hear and see from my seat.

After some small talk, my server and bartender pulled another disappearing act.  I was looking around to see if anyone else could check on my order, when I realized ALL the staff had left the restaurant.

I sat in disbelief and thought to myself “where in the hell is everyone?!?!”

Apparently, at sunset most of the island stops what they are doing, they all walk to the beach to see the sunset in all it’s glory.

“What a novel idea!!!”

This reverence for the simple things in life showed me how fast passed America can be;
how fast I can be, ignoring the sweetest gifts in life that happen each and every day.

Even though I had to wait a longer time than I would have expected for my drink and food,
the love and reverence for the life around us was incredible to see.

Daily Joys of God Given Goodness

I must say that learning to live in such paradise was not super challenging.

Hurdling over the high humidity and heat, living in the Lowcountry of
Charleston, South Carolina had prepped me fairly well.

I was in awe of the naturally growing foliage, everywhere I walked, ate and slept.  Loving plants the way I do, I just couldn’t get enough.

I wasn’t the only one that loved the plants and trees.  Surrounding Blue Spirit every morning, and I mean early in the morning were the not so silent Howler Monkeys.

They are aptly named, as they chat amongst one another with the most screeching and terrifying howls.

Their cuteness seemed to help balance out the irritation and frustration of the early morning wake up calls.

This cute creature, does make sometimes frightening unfamiliar sounds, but is way better than the constant noise of typical life back home…certainly better than hearing fox news at any point, firetruck or cop sirens, or the never ending sound of traffic.

I think I’d rather a monkey any day.

Sip it Up

Beyond the stingray incidents my friends encountered in the enchanting beautiful waters was a simple pleasure that I quickly became addicted to on the shores of Nosara.


Pipa’s are indigenous coconuts to Costa Rica and might as well have been liquid gold (to me anyways).

Locals reached into tattered ice boxes, let me choose whatever coconut I wanted, then with whatever make shift tool they had on hand, would make a straw hole or slice off the entire top of the coconut.

Want to know why I’m bald in this adventure????  Read More: LICE LEAD ME TO PORN.

Yes…just like in the movies, yet nothing could compare to knowing how fresh that drink was.  Or the fact that the two dollars I paid would help a local feed their family.

Who needs chocolate when you have fresh pipa water?!?!

Goodbye Graduate

I may have signed up for Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training, but what I got was a platform to dive deep into the abyss of myself, to see a community of people who care about their bodies, what they put in their bodies, and who take moments all day long to treasure the simple beauty of what God gave them.

I may have gotten my second certification to teach yoga, but what I really got was another stamp in my passport to living and loving myself and others more.

The exploration of different countries and cultures proves again to help me be a better human being.

Comment below and let me know what place you’ve visited that left you better than when you arrived!!!  I can’t wait to hear all about it.


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About Me

sharla I'mjust a woman finding herself one sip, one bite and adventure at a time. Join me on the adventures of one eclectic mamma, music lovin', wanna be chef, urban jungle woman, yogini. Travelling, travelling through the world and deep within myself, to find the greatest pearls in exsistence. It's going to be a wild ride, glad you are with me!

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