Feeling Small in a Big Way.  Thanks Ellen.

by | Oct 25, 2019 | Self Travel

“One Million Acts of Good.”

A mission and viral #GoodGoesRound, started by Ellen Degeneres and Cheerios.

Lord knows, to combat all the negativity in the world, this mission seems on point, and it is.

But for me, this mission also had me questioning my own value…

Watching these clips on Ellen, highlighting some of the most incredible people from around the world, all doing amazing things, really made me feel small and insignificant.

I know it shouldn’t…because lord knows I’ve done my fare share of philanthropic work in my day…

-Donated regularly to GoodWill
-Donated toys to orphanages
-Donated to homeless shelters
-Cleaned houses for the elderly
-Raised $50k for a friend with cancer (in less 5 months)
-Raised $10k in a few weeks for a friend who lost her house in a fire
-Current board member, marketing coordinator, and webmaster for a non-profit who’s built an entire girl’s orphanage, supports that orphanage and the boys orphanage next to it, and now raising money to build a girl’s school. (over 6 figures in donations)

I’ve raised more money in 5 years for others, that puts my own lifetime bank account numbers to shame.

So why is it that I feel insignificant?

NO…it’s not because Ellen didn’t bring me on her incredible show to meet me and hear about all the giving back I’ve done.

Although I would LOVE to meet her one day-she’s an out of this world human being and one of my role models without a doubt.

If I was on her show, I would more than likely still feel small, right now anyways…

Why, you may ask?

I have somehow raised two children as a single parent and never given myself credit for it, much less considered it a win in life.

I’ve struggled having a man in my life that provides financially more than I could have ever dreamed of, yet I blame myself for not bringing in even a fourth as much as he does.

I basically have placed my worth on money…money that I earn, for my family, in my bank account and I’ve shamed the rest of my life.

I am still doing work every day to realize my value isn’t predetermined by my finances, my credit, the size of my house or having a financial windfall to pass along to my children.

Although, I still work hard to have the finer things in life, it’s been harder work to emotionally and personally embrace that I am enough, leaving all finances aside.

I am enough as a woman.

I am enough as a mom.

I am enough as a partner.

I am enough as a sister.

I am enough as a friend.

Extend the Love

So if you are a man or woman out there, thats is doing their best to embrace things in your life, even as small as loading the dishwasher for your family…

I wanted to start an (additional) movement along with Ellen and Cheerios…let’s spread the love even more with her!


You don’t need to have your own TV show, you don’t need to make a shit ton of money, you don’t need to do something massively significant in the world of philanthropy…

The new movement would be one that helps me, and hopefully you, begin to verbalize anything in your life that you are proud of, or want to be proud of.

We can begin posting things on social media like…

Today I’m thankful for taking my daughter to school. #IamEnough #GoodGoesRound

It made me happy to open the door for an elderly woman in the grocery store.  #IamEnough#GoodGoesRound

I’m feeling grateful for tucking my children in tonight.  #IamEnough #GoodGoesRound

The best laundry elf in the house (me), accomplished yet another load.  #IamEnough#GoodGoesRound

I’m lucky to live in America and know I can dream big.  #IamEnough#GoodGoesRound

See where I’m going with this???

Now, here’s the caveat…

This process is NOT meant to squash our dreams, or stop us from doing big things, that may one day be worthy enough of being featured on public television…but my personal hope is that I begin to realize I’m more than my bank account or the funds I help to generate for others.

I am enough, and so are you.

We can always do more, but disregarding the journey of what seemingly small tasks, events, and triumphs it took along the way, is miserable and not worth it.

I want to feel good.

I want you to feel good.

I want to extend the #GoodGoesRound movement to include everything good in our lives using the additional #IamEnough.

You can start right now to extend the love and positivity, comment below this post to start the #IamEnough campaign…and continue on your social media outlets!!!



  1. Tracey

    I really love and appreciate this post and how you’ve focused on how the path in our lives challenge us to become a better person. It’s life’s challenges that make us stronger. Strength comes from within, to overcome the things you thought you couldn’t.

    You’re an awesome writer, and an even better Mother!

    I am thankful for today, to have the knowledge that my past was necessary for me to be where I am now.
    I am grateful for all the amazing people I have met, little did they know they would be instrumental in life!
    I am thankful for my son’s laughter, his smiles and it’s that sound that makes it all right in the world! #IamEnough #GoodGoesRound

    • Sharla

      Tracey you are amazing. Our pasts don’t define our future, but it is the fabric of who we can become.

      Thank you for the more than kind words and I LOVE YOUR #IamEnough list.

      YOU ROCK.


  2. Kim

    I am enough is been on my daily calendar for 2yrs every 3 hrs I get this notice. I remind myself in this huge world that I to am enough and can make a diffference.
    Thanks for your Transparency and vulnerability. I know, as from a daughters perspective of a mother who never thought she was enough. It hurt me as a daughter to find out that my mom did not think that she was the worty and amazing mother. I have seen struggles from being in a single family home. I see my mom for years struggle about the her worthiness. Today she now has her kids all grown up and she still trying to find her worthiness. I can shout from the top of the mountain how proud I am of her and that she should be proud of the three kids she raised. However it doesn’t seem at times to make a difference. I will continue to let her know she is enough and worthy.
    Depression and attempted suicides and a suicide that actually happened have been part of my family since I can remember. Every day I know what I need to do to be the best possible person I can be. I have daily rituals I have put in place so I can make sure my day is the best it can be. I will say this doesn’t mean every day is amazing or does it go the way I thought it would. I have learned from watching my mother and many others close to me and through their challenges and the passion in life. There are days where I just don’t want to do my affirmations, meditation, exercise , yoga and personal development. Those are the days I know I need those the most!
    I have learned from watching and listening to my mother and many others close to me go through their challenges in life. So Sharla you are not alone. I may not be a mother as I was not given that gift. So I needed to embrace who I am without being a mother.
    That took time to except and figure out my spot in the world.
    I’m a businesswoman, an entrepreneur and run a nonprofit organization. I can still feel I am not doing enough or am not enough. That is why for me is my associations, daily rituals, being part of something bigger than me ( my non profit and other charities I suppprt) and Constant personal development that keeps me going and working harder to be me. JUST ME.
    BadAss Kim.

    • Sharla

      Kim you are an amazing woman and so is your Mom. This journey we are all on is an interesting one to say the least…I’m more than proud to call you my soul sister, supporting one another in gaining insights into life, taking full responsibility, and dedication to personal and spiritual growth. I love you!


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sharla I'mjust a woman finding herself one sip, one bite and adventure at a time. Join me on the adventures of one eclectic mamma, music lovin', wanna be chef, urban jungle woman, yogini. Travelling, travelling through the world and deep within myself, to find the greatest pearls in exsistence. It's going to be a wild ride, glad you are with me!

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