Meet Me

Aloha, Sharla Here and it’s nice to “meet” you!

My friends call me Sharla, cause that’s my name and I really dig it…

…Those who think they are cute call me Shar, but if you would like me to answer (or like you) lets just stick with Sharla, pretty please.

So now that the formalities are out of the way…

What do I want you to know about me?

Considering “they say” that my about page must kick ass…not sure if my life has been kick ass, but let’s give it a whirl.

A Bit About the Fam.

Living in the shadows of “beaver cleaver parents”, who seem to have never had a bad day, never cursed at one another, didn’t drink while I was growing up, never argued or even disagreed in front of me…parents who worked non-stop but generated a multiple six figure income with every single business they started, it’s been hard to find my path, my voice, it’s been hard to find me.

My younger brother, Bryant, is now making more money in a month that I make in several months, has a great marriage and lives life on his terms.

Now sits me, a woman who spun thru life, not thinking things through everything I probably should have. Having two children as a single mom, financially struggling, and always feeling like the most stressed out chaquita on the planet, has been my comfort zone. (not any more)

We all want to identify with someone we know, with our family, friends, or even a mentor; yet all of those around me live such outstanding lives, it’s been hard to find my own life (and feel authentic).

The best trip you can go on, is the exploration of the self. We live in a wondrous and wonderful world…we just have to look for it.


I’ve never considered myself great at any of the arts, but especially acting.  But when I really started to come into my own in the last 5 years, figuring out who I really was, I realized I must have been better at acting than I thought.

I’ve worn things I didn’t like to appease my parents, even in my late 30’s.
I’ve started and stayed in businesses because I didn’t want to disappoint anyone.
Chosen relationships I knew I probably shouldn’t.
I’ve not said things and not done things in my life I’ve wanted to, because I was afraid I would fail, but more afraid to ruffle feathers of people who are close to me…
…I have tried to “fake it until I made it”, but I never made it. (until now)
I’ve put on a show, that “all is well”, that I’m happy and that life is good…not to be misleading, at all, but because I truly wanted to feel that way.

I’m a foodie and wanna be chef. (among other things)

Yes, I take pictures of my food and savor each bite as it goes down he hatch; trying to identify what is in it, and later attempt to recreate in my kitchen. 

I’ve written a vegan cookbook, that I never published, because I fell off the vegan bandwagon and didn’t feel legit about publishing it.

I yearn to cook, even when I’m on a fasting cleanse…crazy right?!?!

I find joy in cooking with foods I grow, I sometimes even cry it moves me so much.

Some people think I’m warming my hands each meal that sits in front of me; when really I’m praying that the belly of those who are hungry will feel full.

I love running in the rain (a few times in my birthday suit).

I love learning about all religions and talking about walking in faith, or not…I’ve even thought about seminary school at one time.

I have two teacher certifications in yoga; yet don’t teach right now and hardly practice on my mat.

I do study and carry the yoga philosophies that have softened me, opened me up and helped me to be a better human being.

I adore kirtan (singing sacred prayers basically) and feel drawn to Hindi and Sanskrit, yet my grammar and spelling in my own language are deplorable at best.

I love all things spiritual and woo-woo, yet love public speaking, doing business, learning and implementing marketing strategies and coming up with innovative products, new business ideas, and all things money making.

I’m skinny, yet don’t like talking about weight and don’t look in the mirror and say “damn girl, you are so hot and skinny.” But I’m working on this daily.

I’m addicted to plants; I may live in a jungle that one day you won’t be able to find my family because it’s so lush.

I have danced, cried and fought my way through 2 divorces yet still living and breathing today.

After 9 years of having a great guy friend, he’s now my best friend and life partner, yet marriage still scares me.

I am a dual woman walking; with interests that sometimes contradict one another.

I have vowed to just be me, even if that means parts of me contradict one another.

If I embrace others’ differences, then I can embrace my own. Right?!?!


More About Me

There have been things in my life that have always been there that I love and I’ve finally admitted to myself to trust that it’s ok.  To trust that even if others don’t understand or agree, if feathers are ruffled, I have to be me, to do me and to love me, all of me.

I’ve chosen to bare my soul in this virtual public form, to keep me honest, true to the vulnerabilities that make me real; to further discover of who I really am and who I want to be.

Maybe that’s epic, maybe not, but at least it will be me.

I’m a recovering conformist, finally coming into her own.

Airplanes, boat rides, the smell of salt water, lakes and rivers, the wide open blue sky, hole in the wall dinners, to exquisite 5 star restaurants, drinking expresso martini’s and red wine, dancing to any jam “sesh” formal or not, cooking for days healthy meals, entertaining my friends and family, dirty music halls, chanting in the shower, planting and growing anything green…these are the precise things that feed my soul.  When the world around me is crumbling, this list is my church.


I have finally stepped into the Passport to Living…and Loving!


I’m just a girl finding herself one sip, one bite and adventure at a time.


Pack your bags and join me in this adventure.


Food, Faces, Places & Drinks…don’t forget the Drinks!


Be true to you, no matter where you go!  Be YOU!!!