Passport to Living

Traveling. Traveling through the world and deep within ourselves, to find the greatest pearl in existence.

Passport to Living.

In this “small-screen” world we live in, there is nothing like traveling.

Traveling in your home town to a local hole in the wall restaurant, taking a trip to another state or even traveling abroad.

It’s so easy to pull up YouTube or slap on a pair of virtual reality glasses, to get a glimpse of what other places looks like…but nothing beats the real thing.

“You can’t take the ‘south’ out of the girl, but you can take the girl out of the south.” 

Although born and raised in the Lowcountry (Charleston, South Carolina), I’ve been blessed to experience traveling since I was a child.

My insatiable need to travel, I give my parents the credit for this addiction, that started at 5 years old.

My parents have worked hard in business, been incredibly successful, and it’s afforded our family to travel the world.

Reality Strikes.

I’m not sure my parents knew what they were getting themselves into…

Traveling at such a young age, created a fire in me that I’m not sure the world (or my parents) were ready for.

I have had success in business, but also financially struggled as a single mom for much of my adult life.

Now rounding the corner of being on this planet for 40 years, I had to admit to myself several truths that have set me free.

No matter what my bank account has looked like over the years, I’ve been drawn to these things that made my heart sing, that lifted any pain I was in, if only for a minute.

I am addicted to traveling.
I enjoy getting to see how others live.
I love live music and dancing.
I adore eating and cooking.
I enjoy wine, expresso martini’s & the occasional beer.
I am a spiritual seeker and love philosophy.
I can’t have enough plants, gardens or herbs growing around me.

Your Passport is Yours.

Traveling around my town or abroad has widened my horizons for sure.

But the most important and powerful traveling I’ve ever done, is within myself.

I’ve come to learn that most on this plant are “sheepal.”

Heard-ing with their own kind, staying within their comfort zones, and not living up to their God given potential.

The act of physically traveling or mentally examining my own habits, thoughts, perceptions, and self talk, I’ve learned to…

Question Everything.

Not to refute what your parents have taught you, not to disrespect your teachers and elders, but to question in order to find who you really are.

Although uncomfortable it is at times, questioning or going against the grain, each day I find myself even more, and all around me flows.

Happiness isn’t living someone else’s life, it’s living your own, my own.

We’ve been given the birthright of traveling within ourselves, it’s free, you don’t need an actual passport, but you do need strength, patience and an open mind.

So, lets pack our bags together and join me in the journey to finding ourselves through traveling through places and ourselves.

Passport to Living (and LOVING) here we come!