Smells like Fish in Venice…It’s not what you think.

by | Oct 3, 2019 | US Travel

Venice, the Birth & Death of Greatness

Venturing out of Los Angeles with Rory & Leyna for the day, I found myself on an “I Love You Man” tour.

A movie that worked it’s way into my heart because it’s slightly awkward but seriously hilarious…

and “they” do say that the way to a woman’s heart is through laughter.

Venice Beach on it’s own is beyond amazing.

The streets bustling with beautiful people, boutique clothing stores in true west coast fashion and the beachesssss….

Oh the Venice beaches, you can’t beat the beaches.

The Venice Boardwalk was just how it appears in pretty much any movie…

Palm trees framing the oversized sidewalk, filled with street vendors of all sorts, random musicians sharing their vibrations, girls in short shorts and some yes, even skating.

But the movie tour of seemingly average spots where “I Love You Man” was filmed had me feeling like a child inside.

This movie tour trumped my personal mini Pretty Woman tour…where I had a more than catastrophic experience that tested my ability to recover from a blow to my self confidence.

Our movie tour was going to end at the very infamous spot…

James Beach.

Home of the famous “I Love You Man” FISH TACOS.

Of course after a glorious day of site seeing in Venice Beach, I was hungry.

Making it doubly exciting to culminate the tour, consuming out of this world fish tacos, or so I thought.

You can see in this photo how thrilled I was, to take my first bite…I didn’t have an “afterwards” photo, but lets just say, TOTAL LET DOWN.

I’ve had better frozen fish tacos from Wal-mart.

James Beach’s Fish Tacos may have been an  EPIC FAIL, but the tour, my tour guides and Venice itself was a TOTAL WIN.

Every step I took I felt like I was a Hollywood star, even though that’s not really a thing for me.

But what girl doesn’t want to feel movie star worthy?!?!

For me, the people, the stores, the boardwalk, the music, and waves, the palm trees were fantastic and all I really needed.

If you could go anywhere in the
world where would it be?

What would you want to see, experience…
what would you want to eat,
who would you want to meet?


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sharla I'mjust a woman finding herself one sip, one bite and adventure at a time. Join me on the adventures of one eclectic mamma, music lovin', wanna be chef, urban jungle woman, yogini. Travelling, travelling through the world and deep within myself, to find the greatest pearls in exsistence. It's going to be a wild ride, glad you are with me!

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