Unexpected Invasion in Vegas

by | Oct 3, 2019 | US Travel

Vegas isn’t my favorite place in the world by far.

But my birthday was coming up and so was my soul sister’s.

Oh, and I would do anything to escape the state of Georgia where I called home.

So when your bestie calls, suggests we meet in Vegas for a double birthday celebration, you buy a ticket quick like.

I must say birthdays to me are a big deal, especially mine, selfish as it sounds.

So I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t excited to leave the state of Georgia and escape, even for a few days in Vegas.

Vegas wasn’t new to me, it was probably my 6 or 7th trip to the city that never sleeps.

I’ve stayed on the strip at the MGM on every trip, but not this go round.

We got a sweet deal staying at New York, New York.

I was very familiar with this hotel, but this time the atmosphere just wasn’t the same from what I recalled on past trips.

When normally I could expect a melting pot of people from all over the world, much like the real New York City.

When normally, I could expect to hear upbeat pop or rock music, flooding the halls, gambling rooms and even the bathrooms.

This time there was an invasion I just wasn’t prepared for.

The largest Rodeo Contest in the Country.

I couldn’t get away from the blaring country music, especially on every elevator ride.

I felt the need to wear my sunglasses inside to protect my eyes from the more than glaring bedazzled shirts, boots and large belt buckles.

All this amounted to us pretty much staying as far away from the hotel, outside of the one roller coaster ride at the hotel.

Asia Meets Mexico

Beyond sleeping in a bit, getting a massage, our days were filled with eating around town and finding the best Espresso Martini’s around, at the Bellagio.

Thankfully, everywhere but New York, New York, was NOT the host of cowboys and girls…

The rodeo takeover wasn’t the only thing significantly different this trip.

Kim and I found ourselves resting more than ever before, not going out late at night to ANY clubs to get our dance one…and we LOVE to dance.

Dancing was replaced by our days ending early and getting full night’s sleep with little to no itinerary or schedule of events.

Kim did have the occasional business meeting to attend, which normally would irritate me, but I was thrilled to be around professional people and not ones who ride horses.

One of Kim’s business partners brought us to a surprisingly wonderful restaurant, China Poblano.

Chinese & Mexican Fusion.

Two foods I never would have imagined went together at all, but it was FANTASTIC.

Starting out the meal with a Salt Air Margarita.

This margarita had a very lime salty frothy topper that was wonderfully unique.

The entire table decided to taste test much of the food so we ordered about 10 different dishes.

Each one as unique as another and quite frankly I couldn’t get enough.

My favorite dish was the simple delectable Lotus Sticky Rice.

M.J. is ALIVE & Well

Country music may have replaced our hotel’s sound system, but thank god we ran into the King of Pop.

He’s alive and well and was music to our ears.

Yes, I clearly know this was an imposter, but we didn’t care.

M.J., we can call him that because we met him…

M.J. put on a great show right in the middle of two bars and tons of slot machines and poker tables.

This may have been the most exciting part of our trip in Vegas…

I know, not too exciting considering all the trouble one could get into in Vegas, but for us it was a nice reprieve from the crazy trips in Vegas years before.

What cool adventure have you taken to celebrate your birthday?


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sharla I'mjust a woman finding herself one sip, one bite and adventure at a time. Join me on the adventures of one eclectic mamma, music lovin', wanna be chef, urban jungle woman, yogini. Travelling, travelling through the world and deep within myself, to find the greatest pearls in exsistence. It's going to be a wild ride, glad you are with me!

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